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The expert committee of the PSM Awards 2019 gathers Ukrainian financial and e-commerce specialists.

Denys Salun

Expert in the field of payment technologies with 19 years of experience.

He began his career as a head of sales Inpas company. After 10 years of being the commercial director, he led the company to the market leaders among POS-terminal equipment suppliers. He has advised many companies in the payment card industry (providers of processing solutions, plastic card manufacturers, self-service terminals, etc.).

In 2011 he headed the representative office of the American Corporation NCR. Today is a partner and founder of three companies:

  • KTS (Card Technologies and Systems). The official partner of Visa and Mastercard in supplying MoboCards solutions for tokenization of cards and FastTuck for easy connection of banks to GPay and Apple Pay).

  • First Acquiring Company. It offers to acquire services to merchants.

  • SmartPayTechnologies. Distributor and developer of solutions for the organization of acquiring networks. (POS-terminals, payment terminals, ATMs, electronic cashiers, plastic cards)

Sponsors and Partners

General Partner

  • E-commerce partner

    tas logo
  • Payments partner

    platon logo
  • InfoTech partner

    liga zakon logo
  • FinTech partner

    moneyveo logo
  • IT partner

    moneyveo logo

Supported by

Information partners


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